Wednesday, September 15, 2004

iTunes Rip-Off in UK

"Apple Computer Corp. is charging its British iTunes customers 17 percent more per download than its European customers, a consumer watchdog group said on Wednesday.

The Consumers' Association, publisher of consumer magazine Which?, said it has asked the UK's Office of Fair Trading (OFT) to investigate the pricing disparity.

If evidence is found of anti-competitive pricing, the group intends to ask the OFT to compel the computer maker to institute a pricing scheme on par with what it charges consumers in continental Europe."


The MethodShop Spin: Those wankers! The Brits are complaining that the G.B. version of iTunes Music Store (iTMS) charges 17% more than other european versions of iTMS. However iTMS rivals in the UK, like Napster, charge 20% or more than iTunes. Go figure...

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