Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Apple Stock on the Rise

First Albany raised Apple Computer's (AAPL) stock price target to $44 from $35 due to the belief that fiscal fourth-quarter earnings iPod unit sales and will exceed current estimates. "We think investors are expecting continued upside, and we believe Apple has room to continue to exceed expectations based on multiple growth drivers"
[Via CBS MarketWatch]
The MethodShop Spin: Well it stinks in regards to the buyer, but in the end I think First Albany knows its decision is a "sure thing" and both the shareholder and Apple will benefit. With the increase in iPod purchases everyday and more people utilizing Apples revolution of consumer digital music tools (namely ITMS and the iPod in particular), I feel that theses growth drivers and the shareholders will continue to see Apple innovate and better these before mentioned accessories that are finding there way to millions and millions of music enthusiasts hearts everyday.
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