Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Amazon to launch iPod Store

"Online retailer, Amazon, is preparing to debut a new store focusing on sales of Apple's iPod and related products.", a major online retailer and Apple Authorized Reseller, is reportedly in the process or launching an iPod Store that will be accessible in time for the holidays, sources tell AppleInsider.

The store, which will exist as a subdivision of the Web site, is expected to market all flavors of the iPods, in addition to dozens of accessories for both the iPod and iPod mini.


Not only will this be a huge leap in iPod and third-party sales, but allowing iPod shoppers to navigate through a store dedicated to our beloved iPod and its gadgets will provide place for consumers to collectively capture wanted items that can be stored in there "gold box" with other items and then distributed as a whole for family and friends to view next time its needed for holiday gift-giving, birthday's etc..

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