Tuesday, October 04, 2005

2005 MLB Playoffs in iCal

Postseason Baseball Schedule with TV Listings

Finding an updated sports schedule for input into iCal on the web can be a daunting task.

Every time I search, I seem to only be able to find last year's schedule for whatever it is I'm looking for...I was able to find the San Antonio McAllister Little League team 2005 schedule, which is about as useful to me as a sweaty sock...

I decide to make and publish my own iCal calendar...It was easy, and using icalx.com, I can now share it with all baseball fans (Red Sox fans excluded) so they can sync up their Palm, iPod, or iCal compatible phone with iCal and reap the benefits of my 2005 Major League Baseball Playoff schedule. Best part is, of course, it's free.

If you want to subscribe to the 2005 MLB Playoffs iCal calendar, click here.
If you'd like to see only the online version of it, click here.

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