Sunday, December 04, 2005

Gift Idea 4: SwissMemory

December 4th
Holiday Gift Idea #4:

SwissMemory 256MB Flight Safe Multitool

Not your dad's Swiss Army Knife, this multitool is equipped with a 256MB memory stick that can plug right into any USB port. It's a handy way to transport digital pictures, MP3 files, and important computer files... even on the plane. This Swiss Army Knife has no sharp blades and can be taken on any flight in your carry on luggage.

It's also equipped with an LED mini-light and a retractable ball point pen--useful for getting work done in dark places.

The tool is compatible with Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, and gold-plated contacts ensure excellent dataflow. The memory stick also has a convenient extension cable for easy access to USB ports.

$54.85 from
Buy It Now

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