Sunday, March 19, 2006

1000 Free SXSW MP3s

Weren't able to get down to Austin, Texas for the 2006 SXSW Music Conference? Don't worry, you can still download about 1,000 MP3s from the attending bands. iTunes is selling the songs for $0.99 each or you can download them all legally for FREE using BitTorrent.

By using BitTorrent to distribute these MP3s, SXSW is able to distribute these MP3s efficiently and economically. You help them distribute the file as you download it, as does everyone who's currently downloading it. The more people downloading the file at any given time, the faster everyone will be able to download it.

Just download the two SXSW 2006 torrent files below and open your favorite BitTotrrent client. It will probably take a day or two to download all the songs, but hey, it's free.

Here are the two SXSW torrent files:

If you are unfamiliar on how to use BitTorrent, has a step-by-step tutorial to get you started.

Also of note, Bram Cohen, the creator of BitTorrent, was a speaker at SXSW Interactive this year.

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