Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Unconscious Jogger Identified by iPod

On March 3rd, a woman was jogging around the San Francisco Presidio when she was hit by a car. The driver took off and the woman was left unconscious in a ditch. She was eventually discovered by another jogger but the woman was only wearing jogging clothes and didn't have any ID on her.

The only personal item she was carrying... was an iPod.

The woman went unidentified in the hospital for hours until investigators decided to take a closer look at her iPod. On a long shot, the Police contacted Apple with her iPod's serial number and were then able to identify her. Luckily the woman had registered her iPod. It's a reminder to anyone exercising alone to carry ID. Also, it might be a good idea to fill out those pesky Apple registration cards.

At last word, the San Francisco woman had not regained consciousness since the accident. Anyone with information on this case should contact San Francisco Police.

In February, MethodShop.com wrote about another accident involving an iPod. An cyclist in London was killed while listening to her iPod at a high volume level. A friend of the woman said she may still be alive if she hadn't been listening to her iPod.

Who knew just listening to an iPod could be so dangerous?

[Source: ABC7/KGO-TV]

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