Monday, September 04, 2006
Deauthorizing iTunes

For most people, 5 computers is plenty. One computer at home, one at work, a friend's computer, your laptop... did Xzibit Pimp Your Ride and put computer in your car?
Where you really start to run into authorization problems is when you get a new computer. Before you sell or get rid of an old computer, you should always "deauthorize" it in iTunes first. You should even consider deauthorizing your computer before sending it away for repair or upgrade - in case it doesn't come back in one piece. Deauthorizing your computer does not erase your music files; it simply prevents your purchased music from playing until you authorize that computer again with your iTunes password.
How to Deauthorize a Computer
Deauthorizing a computer is easy. Just open the iTunes application and choose Deauthorize Computer from the Advanced menu in iTunes.
Deauthorizing All Computers
But what happens when it's too late. Let's say your IT department at work took your old computer away before you had time to deauthorize it first. Or maybe your ex-spouse or former friend has an authorized iTunes computer on your account. Then what should you do? If you no longer have physical access to your old computer(s) then you will need to deauthorize all computers connected to your iTunes account. You can do this by resetting your list of authorized iTunes computers currently listed in Apple's database. Here's how:
1) Click on this link and log in to your iTunes account screen.

2) If you have already used up all 5 of your authorized iTunes computers, there will be a button labeled "Deauthorize All" on your Account Information screen. This button will deauthorize all computers associated with your account. Note: You can only use this feature once a year.
3) That's it. You'll just have to reauthorize any computer you want to play your purchased iTunes files by typing in your password again. Remember you can only reauthorize up to 5 computers, so try to keep your password secret this time.
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