Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wil Wheaton endorses Barack Obama

Wil Wheaton, former child star (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Stand By Me) and blogging pioneer, has officially come out in favor of US Presidential candidate Barack Obama.

In a post from his temporary "In Exile" blog (it's a long story. Wikipeida it if you really want to know), Wheaton begins his endorsement blog post by saying "not that my endorsement means much of anything."

He couldn't be more wrong. Wheaton may not think that many people find his opinion "influential" but his Presidential endorsement made the front page if tonight. Most of us bloggers know how valuable making the front make of is. The front page of Digg is a web traffic gold mine.

In Wheaton's endorsement post, he goes on to say "I believe that Barack Obama is the best candidate running for president who can begin to repair the damage inflicted on my country by George W. Bush. I miss my country, and Barack Obama gives me hope that I can get it back."

So in the grand scheme of things, what does Wheaton's endorsement really mean for the American Presidential race? I think user ShemDaimwood put it best with this comment "To the online community, Wil's endorsement probably means more than Ted Kennedy's."

There's still now word on who Picard has decided to endorse. But to quote another Digg user, kete00, "...with Will Wheaton's endorsement, Obama can set his phasers to victory!"

We will see what happens in November. In the meantime, apparently Ron Paul firmly reins over the Digg community.



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