Monday, February 11, 2008

The Over-Caffeinated Newsroom

How do the corespondents of NBC News stay alert and up all night when covering the U.S. Presidential primaries? Adrenaline? The thrill of being on live TV? Nope. They get all drugged up on caffeine, sugar and energy gels.

Here's a video that documents the talent of NBC News and their substance of choice.

Brian Williams (NBC Nightly News)
Power Bars and gels

Ann Curry (Today Show)
12 shots of Starbucks espresso

Tim Russert (Meet The Press)
Diet Coke & licorice

Mara Schiavocampo (NBC News)
gallons of Red Bull

I'm not exactly sure who at NBC News is in charge of scraping an over-caffeinated Ann Curry off the ceiling. Probably some poor intern.



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