Monday, July 21, 2008

Brazilians Hack iPhone 3G

DesbloqueioBr, a Brazilian telecom company, says they are the first to find a way to unlock Apple's new iPhone 3G. Brazilian newspaper, Folha de Sao Paulo, says DesbloqueioBr alterd the iPhone's firmware and added a special card to the phone's SIM chip.

Users with one of these Brazilian iPhones can connect to any mobile carrier they want and not the carrier that Apple made exclusive agreements with in each country.

Although the iPhone isn't officially available yet in Brazil, it's already become a must-have item for many gadget freaks and wealthy businessmen. Many Brazilian purchasers have ventured overseas or gone online to find unlocked iPhones.

The Brazilian hack doesn't isn't cheap. DesbloqueioBr is charging ~$300 to unlock an already purchased iPhone and iPhones aren't cheap. Owning a hacked iPhone is a risky and expensive gamble considering that Apple can wipe out the hack with a software update.

Here's a video of the hacked Brazilian iPhone from YouTube.


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