Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cow Farts Collected For Global Warming Study

When politicians and environmentalists debate global warming emissions, man-made carbon dioxide emissions is usually the top item on their list. But what if one of the biggest culprits of global warming was... cow farts? We're not kidding. The slow digestive system of cows makes them a major producer of the atmosphere unfriendly gas methane.

According to Brittan's, Argentine researchers are strapping plastic tanks on the backs of cattle to better "understand the impact of the wind produced by cows on global warming."

What have they discovered so far? Methane from Argentina's 55 million cows accounts for over 30% of the country's total greenhouse emissions. And methane is 23 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.

As a result of these studies, scientists are already investigating alternate diets for cattle that won't make them as gassy.

That's one way to help knock the wind out of global warming.



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