Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ninja Cat Fail
The original Ninja Cat video has earned an amazing 8 million views and 19,000 comments on YouTube in only 4 months. It's truly become an Internet sensation and was even featured in Andrew Bancroft's Digg Reel podcast. In the clip, a cat stealthy manages to approach the camera apparently without moving. Honestly, it's one of the best clips on YouTube.
However, one of the byproducts of success, is imitation. And unfortunately, the latest attempt to recreate the YouTube Internet sensation "Ninja Cat" resulted in the cat's owner being attacked. The clip is appropriately titled "Ninja Cat Fail." When you get owned by your own cat, is that considered reverse ownage?
If you want to download any of the Ninja Cat videos and convert them for your iPhone, iPod or Apple TV, then check out this tutorial: How to Copy Videos Off YouTube.
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