Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies and Wolf Urine - WTF!

Ready for your WTF moment of the day? Go to Amazon.com and do a search for "girl scout cookies."

It seems like an innocent enough search phrase right? What would you except to find after searching for "girl scout cookies"? Maybe some Girl Scouts related merchandise and perhaps some cookies? Nope. How about slutty adult Girl Scout outfits, vaginal surgical instruments and a 32 oz. bottle of wolf urine?

Amazon.com Search: "girl scout cookies"

Hopefully someone at Amazon.com will see this blog post and fix the search results soon. Here's a screenshot of the Amazon.com page just in case the search page is fixed before you read this article:

Last year we saw a similar incident where Barack Obama Halloween masks were listed on Amazon.com if you searched for the phrase "terrorist costume." Thankfully Amazon.com quickly stepped in and fixed that.


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