Monday, May 04, 2009

Yappler - Your Twitter Lifespan

Twitter first launched in 2006. But the social networking service only reached critical mass recently when everyone from Martha Stewart to 'Good Morning America' signed up.

Although some people are just discovering Twitter, many of us have been tweeting for several years now. What about yourself? How long have you been on Twitter? Not exactly sure? Michael from @YapplerStream created an app that shows you how many days you've been tweeting and your Twitter join date.

The Yappler app can also come in handy if you're unsure about following someone on Twitter and want to check them out. Many times spam marketers will join Twitter and follow as many people as possible. Eventually the Twitter staff will track them down and delete their account. But if you are followed by some random tweeter, use this app to see how long they've been using Twitter. If they've been using Twitter for several months or years, then congrats you have a social networking fan. But if they just joined Twitter 5 minutes ago, then beware. It looks like you have a spammer chasing you around.

Now stop wasting company time tweeting. Follow @methodshop and get back to work!


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