Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Leg Lamp [review]

The timeless holiday film, A Christmas Story, is full of plenty of classic scenes like the Chinese turkey, Ralphie's Black Bart fantasies, the schoolyard flag pole and last but not least... the infamous Leg Lamp.

It took about 20 years, but now you too can own the coveted Leg Lamp. And you don't even have to win a contest like the Old Man to get one. They sell the damn things on, and they even come in multiple sizes!

This half-scale reproduction of the Leg Lamp from the 1983 movie A Christmas Story isn't completely accurate, but for a mere $40 bucks it's probably close enough for most Christmas Story fans. And honestly, it's smaller scale will be more apt to blend in with the average living room.

Full Review: The Leg Lamp (from "A Christmas Story")


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