Monday, March 22, 2010

iPad Won’t Support Picasa

Looks like the bad blood between Google and Apple keeps getting worse. First Apple rejected Google Voice from the iPhone, then Bing was announced as the default search engine for the iPad. Now it looks like the iPad won’t support Google’s photo sharing service, Picasa.

What makes this story even stranger is how we know that Picasa won't be iPad compatible. Press release? Company blog post? Interview? Nope. Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, has personally started responding to Apple Support emails.

Here’s the Picasa email exchange that took place between Steve Jobs and an unnamed Apple customer:

[via 9to5mac]

How do you get the honor of getting a personal response from Mr. Jobs himself? Good question. But he seems to be responding to customer emails more frequently. If you get an Apple Support response from, please let us know.


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